Music on the Green to Welcome Liz & Dan Faiella
On Sunday, July 16 at 4:00 p.m., Canterbury Shaker Village will welcome Liz & Dan Faiella to Music on the Green. Known for crisp vocals, fingerstyle guitar, and lyrical fiddling, Liz & Dan Faiella have taken the mainstage at premier folk venues throughout New England, including Club Passim, Acadia Trad Festival, and others.
“We are just thrilled to welcome them back to the Village for this inspiring and uplifting music series,” said Executive Director Leslie Nolan.
Held outside in a natural, intimate setting, Music on the Green features various types of music for all ages every Sunday, 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., from July 2 – September 17. “The Village’s lush green landscapes, historic buildings, and peaceful atmosphere create a unique and memorable backdrop for musical performances,” added Nolan.
Admission is free with a suggested donation of $20. Music on the Green is sponsored by CCA Global Partners, New Hampshire Dance Collaborative (NHDC), and Kathleen Belko, Trustee.
In addition to Music on the Green, the Village offers tours before performances on Sundays in July, which include Shaker Stories: History & Legacy, Innovations & Inventions: Shaker Ingenuity, and Hale & Hearty: Shaker Health. “The Shakers were innovative and entrepreneurial in ways that continue to inspire people of all ages,” said Nolan. “Our tours provide fascinating glimpses into their way of life.”
Village tours are available with a reservation before Music on the Green performances, while visitors are encouraged to explore the extensive trail system on the Village’s nearly 700-acre property.
About Canterbury Shaker Village
Featuring 694 acres of forests, fields, gardens, nature trails, and mill ponds under permanent conservation easement, the Village is designated as a National Historic Landmark with 25 restored original Shaker buildings and 4 reconstructed Shaker buildings. In addition to tours, exhibits, and programs, Canterbury Shaker Village provides wonderful, relaxing, and beautiful indoor and outdoor spaces for weddings.
Canterbury Shaker Village is a member of the NH Heritage Museum Trail, which connects the public with culturally rich heritage institutions in New Hampshire. For more information about The Trail, visit