Simply Shaker Auction

SAVE THE DATE to join us live at our festive


Wednesday, August 18  |  5:30–7pm

Celebrate with us at a festive Picnic-on-the-Green!  Enjoy live music and hear from our special guest, Martha Werenfels, Principal at DBVW Architects, Providence.

Tickets are $100 per person, including picnic basket fare and beverages.   

Martha Werenfels

Check back for more information. Tickets and registration will open soon. 

SAVE THE DATE for our 2021

Online Benefit Auction

August 1 — 15  

Join us for our Simply Shaker Online Auction where you can bid on exciting items and experiences.  Registration and Bidding open at 9:00am, Sunday, August 1, and bidding closes at 5:00pm, Sunday, August 15. 

Every bid helps the Village — all proceeds go toward maintaining and protecting our beautiful historic buildings.

Alice Ogden Basket
Alice Ogden Basket
Cooking Class at King Arthur Baking Company
Stay at Red Rocker Cottage
White Wine Set for web
Sommelier-selected European White Wines

Then join us live at our festive


Sunday, August 30  |  5–6:30pm

Bring your own picnic.  Light refreshments and dessert are on us! 

Celebrate with us at a festive Picnic-on-the-Green!  Enjoy the music of the Jared Steer Trio, hear from our special guests on the importance of preserving the Village’s historic buildings, and take part in our live “Fund the Need” Auction to help fund the Village’s building assessment.

Martha Werenfels
Rob Emlen
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson, Director of NH Division of Historical Resources, will lead a presentation “Preserving What is Simply Significant” with Martha Werenfels, Principal at DBVW Architects, Providence, and Rob Emlen, Visiting Scholar in American Studies at Brown University and author of Imagining the Shakers: How the Visual Culture of Shaker Life was Pictured in the Popular Illustrated Press of Nineteenth-Century America.

Social distancing will be in place and please be sure to bring your mask. We will also have special Village masks, made by the Canterbury Sewers, for sale.

$50.00 per person


Celebrate with us at a festive Picnic-on-the-Green!  Enjoy live music and hear from our special guest, Martha Werenfels, Principal at DBVW Architects, Providence, on the results of the Village building assessment.

Tickets are $100 per person, including picnic basket fare and beverages.   

Auction Committe

Kathleen Belko

Kelly Bryant

Ann Camann, Chair

Rae Easter

Carolyn Leary

Bob Lord


Leslie Nolan

Joan Noga Pazdon

Juliana Phillips

Craig Savage

Sarah Schmidt

Carolyn Tolles


Thank you to our generous lead sponsors of the 2021 Simple Shaker Benefit Auction and Picnic.

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